3 Signs your hot water system needs maintenance

Posted on: 20 February 2019


Many homeowners don't realise how important their hot water systems are until the system breaks down. Hot water systems in homes determine much more than how comfortable your shower will be. They also affect your dishwasher, washing machine and overall energy consumption. Being capable of detecting early warning signs of maintenance can help you avoid costly repairs and high utility bills down the road.

Here are three signs that indicate your hot water system is due for maintenance.

1. The temperature fluctuates often

Are you noticing that your hot water temperature fluctuates on a regular basis? This may occur as you take a shower, wash your face in the morning or when doing laundry. Fluctuating hot water temperature can affect how effective your appliances are. Your clothes may not easily become clean, and you may end up taking a partially cold shower.

This problem typically occurs due to an issue with the heating element (for tankless hot water systems) or due to an issue with your hot water tank. For tank systems, the reservoir could be poorly insulated, this causing your hot water to drop in temperature. In addition, the heating element may be damaged or worn out. This will typically result in an inefficient heating mechanism that causes temperature fluctuations.

Have your plumber inspect both the tank and heating element for any operational issues.

2. Hot water supply frequently runs out

If you often run out of hot water, the problem is most likely related to limited supply. Your hot water capacity may not be enough to sustain demand in the home, resulting in hot water running out when you need it most. For example, people in your home may be washing your clothes, running the dishwasher and taking a shower at the same time.

If your hot water tank isn't large enough, the supply is likely to run in the middle of completing these chores. Tankless systems may also face capacity limitations. For example, if the heating elements for providing hot water on demand are not enough, you may run out of hot water supply.

The remedy to this issue is to ensure that you have enough hot water capacity. This involves installing additional heating elements (for tankless systems) or a larger tank (for tank systems).

3. Your hot water tank is leaking

A leaking hot water tank is an important issue that should be fixed as soon as possible. Leaking hot water not only drives up your utility consumption, but it can also cause water damage around the home. If you can't visibly notice a leaking tank, watch out for indirect signs such as a spike in your water and gas/electric bills.  

For more information, contact your local hot water system changeover service.